
The JSOC team is restoring the SDO data analysis pipeline as quickly as possible and has made significant progress in the past two weeks. We are also working to restore external access to the SDO data archive, but that capability remains unavailable. Some current observations are now available at sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov, suntoday.lmsal.com, and jsoc1.stanford.edu/hmi_latest.html

We have begun processing most near-real-time (nrt) SDO data products. The primary exception is the SHARPs, which require sequential processing. We are in the process of back-filling so that SHARP processing can resume. We have been producing definitive Level 0 and Level 1 data for HMI and AIA as the calibrations become available. We are also beginning to make definitive observables (Level 1.5 science images) for both HMI and AIA. These data are being processed from the time of the flooding incident going forward.

The database server is functioning adequately for the purpose of the pipeline, and "warm" back-up database servers have been enabled. However, we are expecting a few-week delay before bringing that part of the system up to full functionality as we wait for replacement hardware. Until then, we will not be able to provide access to the archived SDO data. We are working on alternative data-access methods; watch for updates. Replacements for the damaged data servers are expected to arrive soon, which will allow us to more fully evaluate storage disks and restore the online data sets.

All routine IRIS data pipeline products from JSOC are being produced regularly. A few intervals are awaiting the arrival of housekeeping data that was not processed at the time.