
Some progress to report. As of 19 December 2024, the team was able to restart the first stage of the processing pipeline for incoming data from the AIA and HMI instruments and the IRIS mission. This stage creates and archives Level 0 images (uncalibrated raw images). Level 1 processing may be able to resume when the backlog of Level 0 processing is cleared, but the JSOC data system is operating at significantly reduced capacity while we await the delivery of replacement hardware.

Replacement hardware has been ordered, and a few components have arrived, but delivery dates for major components such as the database servers and disk servers are uncertain over the winter break.

We do not yet have a timeline for resumption of higher level processing and export to the community. In parallel with our recovery efforts we are working on alternative options for data access, but unfortunately do not yet have any solutions in place.

The instruments are healthy and continue to operate normally; no science data has been lost. We continue to be thankful for your patience and understanding.